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Welcome to Stanley Travel
Our Team  

Stanley Travel (Pvt.) Ltd. takes pride in its team. The significant amount of its teams experience in being account managers for medium to large sized organizations is a major strength of the company.

Our team is dedicated to :

» Helping travelers accomplish their missions by putting in place structures designed to save them time and effort.
  Enhancing the overall productivity of the travel process, from planning to the submission of an expense report.
  High level of service, updates and comfort provided to the travelers so as to not make travel a harsh experience.

In case of emergencies, Stanley Travel (Pvt.) Ltd. has a 24 hour reservation service. Our staff is committed in having contingency plan in place in case of emergencies.

Stanley Travel (Pvt.) Ltd., we know that the relationship with the traveler is not over until the whole journey is completed. Bookings are monitored right up to the departure to see if any opportunities for booking improvements arise. This allows the travelers to have the maximum control over their travel expenditure.




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